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Vanwyksdorp Wood & Furniture

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This is a new private venture to harvest alien trees (blue-gums) from water-courses in the mountains, to saw them into timber, air-dry it and use it for making furniture. The aim is to train residents in timber and wood-work skills. It operates from a shop adjacent to the development site, and incorporates an art and craft gallery.



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Health and Community Development already contribute to projects in town. Cape Nature is active in the reserve adjacent to town (and where the town’s water source is located). Dept of Agriculture (LandCare) has been active recently.


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One church has a vegetable garden and water allocation which it allows the ‘Spekboom Project’ personnel to use. They share their water allocation with Oasis. Recently the Dept of Agriculture (Landmark) has installed storage tanks and irrigation.

Saamwerk Project

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This is an association not for gain, busy registering as an NPO. They run a cement brick-making project and apricot drying project. They are busy with upgrading to a more comprehensive food processing operation. The project employs people from the local community.

Oasis Community Centre

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This centre has a substantial (old) building which houses the municipal library, a creche and after-care centre, vegetable garden and several small projects for unemployed and elderly. It received government funding from PAWC Health and Community Development.