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News & Events

Breaking Ground

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Earthworks have begun. In May 2018, earth-moving equipment and teams of local labour began pre-construction site clearing.VDI will operate from a campus in Vanwyksdorp. The establishment of the facilities and building will be undertaken in phases as funds are raised. The ground preparations involve substantial earthworks because of the slope of the terrain. Work on the levelling of the main areas began in early May 2018. Unfortunately, there are insufficient funds to complete this work but the platform area for the buildings has been levelled and compacted. The levelling for the sports complex is about 80% completed and will be finished when funds are available.

The first building to be erected will be the Bio-diversity Exhibition Centre. This 300m² space will be used as the training centre until the tutorial space is built. VDI has called for expression of interest and plans to award a tender and have contractors on site in early September 2018.

This phase has been made possible through cooperation with the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR) which has secured external funding from an international donor.